Homoerotic Fantasies Of Men

Category: Erotic, Poetic & Sexual Becoming aware also entails the recognition of the power directed at one’s own sex: homoeroticism.  So, you already like intensive homoerotic atmosphere or you feel a need to learn more about men having sex with men? Maybe you are a heterosexual and use to search for porn in the internet and it wasn’ t a mistakeContinue reading “Homoerotic Fantasies Of Men”

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Vintage Gay Couples

[Update 28th february 2012: The Website behind the images has been deleted.] Vintage is a very elastic term – in the gay community also very popular. The following impressions are from a website that exclusively depicts images of gay couples. From a time long before ours. The pictures are in their own way erotic, homoerotic and (I would say) somehow they always hide something sexual beneath a romantic glow. If this post lets you still unsatisfied and your needs call for more, then take course toContinue reading “Vintage Gay Couples”

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Vintage Gay Men – The Golden Age Of Gay Erotica

By the way, if you’re reading this, you will also like all the things you find in the right sidebar. Vintage Gay Men ist eine von vielen Quellen homoerotischer Bildergalerien, zum Thema vintage male physique innerhalb der Social Community tumblr.com. Hier gibt es ausgewählte visuell-historische golden age of gay erotica, mitunter genauso hübsch und hübscherContinue reading “Vintage Gay Men – The Golden Age Of Gay Erotica”

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